API version history






Initial public release.



- Added new 'FirmwareVersion' field to Agent's data



- Added new 'Revision' field to Agent's data in OperatingSystemServicing -subobject

- Agent's OperatingSystemVersion field now shows update revision number as fourth version integer for Windows 10 machines instead of zero if the revision number is known, giving the exact version installed (e.g. "10.0.15063.413" instead of "10.0.15063.0")



- Added new 'EstimatedRuntime' field to Agent data in AgentBattery -subobject, this field is only present for battery data if there's average runtime estimation available for the battery

- Added new 'OperatingSystemImageDate' and 'OperatingSystemUpgradeDate' fields to Agent data, these fields are only present if there's detected image and/or OS build upgrade time



- Added new 'FirstSeen' field to Agent data, this field will give the date the agent device was first added to Applixure. For technical reasons, this field for any existing agent added to the system on or prior to 6th of April, 2017 will show date that is at maximum one year in the past from present date. For any other agent the FirstSeen date will reflect the actual first date.

- Added new 'CrashShutdownsMap' field to historical agent's issue information, detailing the error code(s) associated with system crashes.



- Added new 'Components' field for Agent data. This subobject has two possible subobjects, 'ThirdPartyDrivers' and 'Errors' listing 3rd party device drivers for hardware components in the Agent device as well as any possible operating system -reported errors for hardware components and/or its drivers.



- Added new 'DeviceManufacturerOem' and 'DeviceModelOem' fields to Agent data, detailing optionally set OEM information for device's manufacturer and model.

  • Added new 'Types' enumeration value array field to the user logon object detailing detected account type(s) for the logon.



- Added new enumeration values 'W10-SemiAnnualTargeted', 'W10-SemiAnnual', 'W10-LTSB' and 'W10-LTSC' to Windows 10 servicing branch/channel list.



- Added new 'IsLongTermServicingVersion' field to agent's 'OperatingSystemServicing' subobject, detailing if Windows version installed on a device is long-term servicing version or not.



- Added new 'Details' field and subobject to software group's and agent's issue history's 'CrashesMap' and 'BackgroundCrashesMap' fields. This new field provides more detailed information about software crashes, along with the occurrences timestamps of the crash events per agent basis.

- Added new 'Occurrences' field and subobject to software group's and agent's issue history's 'HangsMap' field. This new field provides occurrences timestamps of the hang events per agent basis.

- Added new 'Timestamps' field to the agent device's issue history's 'CrashShutdownsMap' field providing occurrence timestamps for system crash events.



- Added new 'AbnormalShutdownsMap' field to agent issue history's 'DeviceEvents' field.
This new field provides timestamps for abnormal operating system shutdowns; these are all other shutdowns where operating system was not shut down in controlled fashion besides crashes which are mapped through 'CrashShutdownsMap'. Abnormal shutdowns are: unexpected shutdowns, user forced shutdowns and shutdowns due to system being unresponsive.

- Added new 'HighMemoryMap' field to agent issue history's 'DeviceEvents' field.\
This new field provides both occurrence timestamps + approximate lengths of the high-memory usage condition(s), and top processes/applications and products that are detected to be using biggest share of the available memory at the time.

- Added new 'PerformanceDegradationMap' field to agent issue history's 'DeviceEvents' field. This new field provides occurrence timestamps + approximate lengths of the performance degradation condition(s).



- Added new 'Harddisks' field and subobject for Agent data. This subobject lists detected harddisk drives for the agent device, with model, serial (if known) and firmware (if known) information.

- Added new 'SystemManagementFirmwareVersion' field to Agent data, detailing the current Systems Management Engine's (SME) firmware version if such is available.



- Added support for usage of Applixure account -specific API keys in addition to environment -specific keys.



- Added new 'OperatingSystemVersionName' field to Agent data, detailing the agent's operating system overall version in textual form, such as "Windows 10".

- Added new 'OldestInstallTime' field to Product Group data, detailing the oldest detected installation time across all of the Products associated with Product Group. Previously this information could be calculated from similar existing field in Product's data but now Product Group aggregates that information as well.



- Added new 'IsIOMMUAvailable' and 'IOMMUType' fields to Agent data, detailing the detected presence of I/O Memory Management Unit (I/O-MMU) and its corresponding type.

- Added new 'BusinessOwner', 'TechnicalOwner' and 'Classification' free-text fields for product and product group's attributes, these fields can be used for customer-specific owner and software classification/purpose recording.

- Added new 'TimeLoggedOn' and 'TimePoweredOn' fields to Agent historical data, detailing detected total minutes of device being powered on and any user account being logged on to the device on a given date.



- Added new 'LinkedTags' fields to Agent and Product Group data, listing all Tag IDs currently associated with the given agent or product group.



- Added new 'IsIconAvailable' field to User logon data

- Added new 'WarrantyEnds' field to Agent data for devices where warranty expiration could be fetched from the manufacturer's system



- Added new 'IsKnownBackupProductsInstalled' and 'KnownBackupProducts' fields to Agent's SecurityState data, detailing if any known backup products were detected as being installed on a device and associated Product ID linkages.



- Added new 'IsFirmwarePasswordEnabled' field to Agent's data in AgentSecurityState -subobject, detailing if device has BIOS/UEFI update password enabled. If the status cannot be read, this field is not present in the data.

- Added new 'IsSystemDiskSSD' field to Agent's data, detailing if the harddisk containing the system partition is Solid State Drive (SSD) disk.



- Added new 'IsSystemDiskEncryptionSuspended' field to Agent's SecurityState data, detailing if disk encryption state for device is currently in suspended state (applicable to BitLocker in Windows only). This field is only present when IsDefaultEncryptionInUseForSystemDisk field is true.



- Added new 'IsT2ChipAvailable' field to Agent's MacSecurity data (macOS agents only), detailing if Apple T2 security chip is present.



- Added new 'IsAutomatic' field to tags and tag types.



- Added new Windows 10 Insider channel names ('W10-Insider-DevChannel', "W10-Insider-BetaChannel' and 'W10-Insider-ReleasePreviewChannel') to Branch -field's enumeration.



- Added 'Agents' field for agents count and 'Country' field for environment's region for each environment in environments list

- Added 'Description' field for environment -specific object



- Added new 'BuildNumber' field to Agent's OperatingSystemServicing data, detailing macOS's exact build number

- Added new enumeration value 'Partial' for AgentSecurityServiceStatus -field

- Added new OsUpdatingState subobject to SecurityStateData, detailing detected [security] updates status for the agent. Fields included in the OsUpdatingState subobject are 'IsLatestKnownSecurityUpdateInstalled' detailing if latest (known to Applixure) security update has been installed on the device; 'LatestKnownUpdateInfo' detailing the release date and direct URL (if known) to latest known update for OS version on the device; 'SecurityUpdatesDeferredByDays' detailing - in case of Windows 10 - number of days quality/security updates have been configured to be delayed, if any; 'UpdatesLastApplied' detailing date of latest install time of the security updates; 'UpdatingStatus' detailing the detected updating status

- Deprecated 'AutoupdateStatus' and 'AutoupdatesInstalled' fields in the Agent's SecurityState data, use new OsUpdatingState -subobject and its 'UpdatingStatus' and 'UpdatesLastApplied' fields in the SecurityStateData



- Added new endpoints for retrieving Agent, Application, Product and Product Group histories in one call for all assets in an Environment. These endpoints should not be called multiple times per day as the processing requirement can be much higher than history calls per individual object in environments with large number of objects.

- Added new LinkedAgents -field to Application, Product and Product Group history data objects, detailing those Agent devices the given software was deployed to on the particular date. Note that history entries represents the situation at the end of the day, removed software on a given Agent devices would not list the Agent id anymore for the history data for the removal date but at latest the previous date.



- Added new AgentServices subobject to Agent data, detailing detected issues for [critical] OS service, if any.



- Added new 'UserInstallContext' Extended Attribute enumeration for Products and Product Groups, describing User logon IDs for user context installed software per Agent -basis

- Added new 'UsrContextAttributes' -field linking to 'UsrContextExtendedAttribute' object into Extended attribute

- Added new 'iBoot' enumeration for Agent's firmware type, describing firmware type for M1 based Macs



- Added new more generic 'IsSecurityChipAvailable' field for MacSecurityState object, obsoleting previous 'IsT2ChipAvailable' field. This new field now covers all T2 and successor security chips, such as Apple Silicon's M1's built-in security capabilities.



- Added 'LinkedProducts', 'LinkedProductGroups' and 'LinkedApplications' arrays directly into Agent object. This removes the need to call separately .../products etc. endpoints for Agent's current data to get forward (Agent -> Product etc.) software linkages.

- Fixed 'HardwareType' enumeration for Agent object.



- Added new 'FirmwareUniqueId' field for Agent's data, which details the SMBios's UUID value (if available) for Windows machines and Hardware/Platform UUID for Macs.

- Added 'FirmwareLastUpgradeDate' field for Agent's data, which details the last detected change date for the device's firmware's version, if such change has happened during the time which Applixure Agent has been installed on the machine.


- Added new AgentWindowsSecurityState subobject to Agent's AgentSecurityState subobject, detailing Windows -specific security features status, if any.

- New 'IsApplicationGuardInUse' field for Windows security features data, which details Microsoft Defender Application Guard enablement status. Absence of the field indicates that the feature state could not be read or it is not available on the device.

- New 'IsCredentialGuardInUse' field for Windows security features data, which details Windows Defender Credential Guard enablement status. Absence of the field indicates that the feature state could not be read or it is not available on the device.

- New 'IsHvciKmciInUse' field for Windows security features data, which details Hypervisor-based Kernel Code Integrity's (aka Memory Integrity in Windows Security) enablement status. Absence of the field indicates that the feature state could not be read or it is not available on the device.

- New 'IsKernelDMAProtectionInUse' field for Windows security features data, which details Kernel DMA Protection's (aka Memory Access Protection in Windows Security) enablement status. Absence of the field indicates that the feature state could not be read or it is not available on the device.

- New 'IsSecureLaunchInUse' field for Windows security features data, which details Windows Defender System Guard Secure Launch's (aka Firmware protection in Windows Security) enablement status. Absence of the field indicates that the feature state could not be read or it is not available on the device.

- New 'IsSmmProtectionInUse' field for Windows security features data, which details System Management Mode (SMM)'s protection enablement status. Absence of the field indicates that the feature state could not be read or it is not available on the device.

- New 'IsUmciInUse' field for Windows security features data, which details Usermode Code Integrity's (aka Windows Defender Application Control) enablement status. Absence of the field indicates that the feature state could not be read or it is not available on the device.

- New 'IsHvciUmciInUse' field for Windows security features data, which details Hypervisor-based Usermode Code Integrity's (aka Windows Defender Application Control) enablement status. Absence of the field indicates that the feature state could not be read or it is not available on the device.



- Added new 'IsEndOfLife' field into Agent's operating system servicing subobject, detailing if the current operating system version is end-of-life by the vendor.



- Added new AgentConnectivity -subobject for connectivity -related data under Agent object.



- Added new 'IsRequired' field for SoftwareAttributes subobject, which details if the given Product or Product Group is required software or not.



- Added new 'FirmwareDate' field to Agent's data, detailing reported release date for installed firmware, if any.



- Added new 'IsEndpointSecurityInUser' and 'ActiveEndpointSecurityProducts' fields to Mac -specific security state data, detailing if any Endpoint security products are detected as being installed and active on system and names of those products, respectively. These statuses are only available for macOS Catalina (10.15) or newer macOS devices.



- Added 'AppleId' and 'ManagedAppleId' enumeration values into logon user account types.



- Added 'MonitoredTime' and 'NumberOfDates' fields to AgentConnectivity -subobject, detailing information about total time of monitoring and number of dates applicable for statistics connectivity information was calculated from.



- Added new 'IsRebootPending' field to AgentOperatingSystemServicing -subobject, detailing if there are any known reboot requiring actions done on Agent device but operating system has not yet been restarted. These actions include computer rename, domain join, pending file rename operations and installation of updates. Note that this flag applies for Windows devices.



- Added new 'LinkedProducts' field to ProductGroupHistoricalDataOnDate -object, listing all Product IDs that were associated with the given Product Group on a historical date.



- Added support for pagination for calls potentially returning a large number of objects (Agents, Products, historical entries, etc.) using offset and limit URI parameters.



- Added new 'Bitness' field to Application object and 'ApplicationBitnesses' array field to Product object detailing detected application bitnesses.



- Added new 'DeviceManufactured' and 'DeviceShipped' fields to Agent object, detailing physical hardware manufacturing and shipping date, respectively, if they are known for the Agent device.



- Added new 'PreviewChannel' and 'ServicingChannel' fields to AgentOperatingSystemServicing -object, detailing currently used servicing channel for the Windows Operating System and - if servicing channel is set to 'WindowsInsider' - preview channel in use. These properties effectively supersedes the 'Branch' field in the same object.



- Added new 'IsLapsEnabled', 'LapsConfigurationSource' and 'LapsErrorState' properties to AgentWindowsSecurityState -object, detailing if Windows Local Administrator Password Solution (Windows LAPS) is enabled on a Windows agent device, and its current configuration source and possible error state.