Reporting data
Reporting data for the Applixure Feedback is divided into three categories:
- Overview data
- Non-query-specific feedback data
- Query-specific feedback data
Generally, the reporting data fetched from Feedback API is based on a caller-specified date range plus optional historical data based on this range if combining is requested. Concretely, when data for a specific category is needed, the caller must always define start and end dates. Feedback API will then return any data available for that period. The only exceptions on the date range requirement for the call are endpoints returning a list of queries and statistics objects for a query.
A caller can also specify that the data returned is combined from that range into a single data point instead of returning separate data points for each date in the specified range. Without combining in effect, one data point always represents one date's data, and with the combining, the data is the aggregate of all those dates in the range.
Using combining to produce a single data point can save significant processing time for the caller if the primary interest is to examine totals for longer time periods rather than from single dates, as there is no need to merge all returned data from each date-specific data at the call site. It can also save in call and transfer time as less [JSON] data will need to be included in the response and transferred over the wire.
Furthermore, when combining data at the API -level, the totals for unique machine and unique user counts can be reported correctly across multiple dates since, for employee privacy reasons, Feedback API will NOT return individual IDs of the machines or users but only totals for a given date.
Another benefit of combining results into a single data point is that it makes it possible to get historical data in the response for comparison purposes. Historical comparison data points represent a period of the same length [in days] as the combined actual period requested. Feedback API can return N number of historical periods of the same length in the same call response data. These historical data points make it easy to calculate trend values/deltas; for example, if wanting to get results from the last week (or last seven days) and then get N number of previous weeks as historical data.
Overview data
Applixure Feedback system maintains a day-specific overview or summary data from all the feedback responses on that day.
Returned data contains feedback type -specific breakdowns on free-text sentiments and amount of feedback received in total.
"startDate": "2023-04-01",
"endDate": "2023-04-01",
"isCombined": false,
"environmentId": "19f5cc2e-7657-437a-9268-83cd3d563563",
"data": [
"date": "2023-04-01",
"totalFeedback": 14,
"typeBreakdown": [
"feedbackType": "random",
"unhappy": 6,
"neutralOrMixed": 2,
"happy": 3,
"_total": 11
"uniqueMachines": 6,
"uniqueUsers": 3
Feedback -type specific data
Non-query-specific feedback reporting data
Non-query-specific feedback data does not relate to any backend-initiated query but are feedback types in the Feedback Client that users give on their own initiative.
Each feedback type has:
- Date or date-range (if combining the data) specific summary objects that contains the aggregated statistics for all answers received on a date or date-range, and
- Actual feedback answer object that contain data from each individual sent feedback answer/response

Employee feedback
Employee feedback data is an open-ended feedback data sent from the Feedback Client.
Reporting data: summary data for each date or date-range and actual feedback items.
Random feedback
Random feedback data is a user -initiated quick rating feedback data sent from the Feedback Client. Feedback Client also randomly prompts the user for the same data between intervals (by default after three months since last prompt, at random date) that can be configured in client policies administration.
Reporting data: summary data for each date or date-range and actual feedback items.
Query-specific feedback reporting data
Query-specific feedback data all relate to [targeted] queries that has been initiated from the backend.
Each feedback query type has:
- Main query object that contains the basic information about the query (name etc.),
- Statistics tracking object linking to the query that contains information about current state of the query (is it closed, etc.),
- Date or date-range (if combining the data) specific summary objects that contains the aggregated statistics for all answers received on a date or date-range, and
- Actual feedback answer object that contain data from each individual sent feedback answer/response

Issue triggered feedback query
Issue triggered feedback data is a response data for backend -initiated query, meant for getting user perspective on some technical issue that has been detected on set number of devices.
All non-archived queries for issue triggered feedback type can be queried from its own endpoint.
Reporting data: summary data for each date or date-range, actual feedback items and statistics tracking object.
Software survey feedback query
Software survey feedback data is a response data for backend -initiated query, meant for getting user perspective on specific software product, application or service they use.
All non-archived queries for software survey feedback type can be queried from its own endpoint.
Reporting data: summary data for each date or date-range, actual feedback items and statistics tracking object.
Custom feedback query
Custom feedback data is a response data for backend -initiated query, meant for getting user perspective on some specific matter not covered by other query types.
All non-archived queries for software survey feedback type can be queried from its own endpoint.
Reporting data: summary data for each date or date-range, actual feedback items and statistics tracking object.
Updated 3 months ago